4 Ways to Stop Being A Lazy Student

Credits: Unsplash

Credits: Unsplash

1. Break down your to-do list

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Likewise, if you are easily distracted, or dislike putting in laborious amounts of hard work, break up your tasks into smaller blocks. When you start to take things little by little, you will not only have better focus, but also the motivation to slowly take on the larger chunks. 

The best part? You just need willpower for the first few minutes of each small block. Once you get started, it’s harder to stop.

2. Realistic goal-setting

When you’re putting down tasks on your to-do list, make sure they are actually do-able. Setting impossibly high expectations will make them impossibly difficult to achieve. The next time you set a goal, ask yourself the following: Do I have enough time for this? Or, do I have the skillset to do this?

3. Make it easy to get started

One of the main reasons why we don’t get started on things the moment we can, is because we are distracted. Hence, make sure your workspace is work friendly. This means cleaning up your clutter and removing anything that could be potentially distracting. When there’s nothing to be distracted by, there’s no excuse not to start. 

4. Manage your stress

Sometimes our procrastination arises from feelings of anxiety and fear. In those moments, we find it difficult to take action and make decisions because we are afraid of failure or are emotionally drained. 

A good way to manage our stress is to stop comparing yourself with your cohort, increase your social support, incorporate exercise, find reasons to be grateful and practice daily meditation or prayer. 

Don’t limit yourself and don’t live to regret! You are not alone. 


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