How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

Credit: Unsplash

Credit: Unsplash

As a student, you’ve probably heard the phrase “don’t study hard, just study smart”. Here are four constructive steps you can follow to start studying smarter.

1. Define your study goals

The first step is easy. What outcomes do you want to achieve through studying? Whether that might be jumping 2 grades up or being the first in class, it is extremely helpful to begin with the end in mind. 

Learning to work hard without ever knowing why is a sure-fire way to feel aimless and exhausted later on. However, if we set targets and goals for ourselves, we can better direct our energy into our work. Defining your study goals will help separate superficial studying from meaningful studying -- aka studying smart! 

2. Prioritise your work

Studying isn’t always as easy as 123, and there always seems to be a mountain of work to do. However, we can break this mountain down into smaller loads. A great technique you can use here is the Eisenhower box: 

Credit: James Clear

Credit: James Clear

What tasks must you do now, what tasks can you save for later, what tasks can you share with others, and what tasks can you let go. Not every activity will help you move forward, so stop working hard on everything and start working hard on the right things.

3. Set a timeline

Now that you know what you need to do, commit to when you’re going to do it. A renowned educator, Stephen Covey, once said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities”.

Besides important test and submission dates, you can mark out when you want to finish specific small tasks. 

4. Reflect and fine tune

Lastly, reflect on the whole process and see where you can improve. The more you utilise this process, the more you master it. Celebrate your wins, and learn from your losses. 

Studying smart is the closest thing to a shortcut when it comes to academic improvement, but it doesn’t give you a free pass from not studying at all. When it comes down to studying, hard work and wit always produce results.


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